Anti-Racism Policy
As a company of predominantly white employees, freelancers, and Trustees, we recognise our privilege and we acknowledge that institutional and systemic racism exists at all levels of society, including within our sector. We are committed to addressing barriers to working in the arts sector for people of colour and those who have lived experience of racism. We will embed an anti-racist approach to reduce the risk that work we do contributes to, or perpetuates, harm, bias and inequality.
We recognise that creating a truly inclusive and diverse culture is an ongoing process and we know we have a long way to go. We also acknowledge that the use of language around race and cultural identity is always evolving. We have chosen to use the term 'people who experience racism' at this time as our preferred term. We are committed to a process of ongoing anti-racist education, listening, learning, and unlearning, including reviewing language
Action | Status | Area | Sub-area |
Adopt a commitment to EDI intervention across every budget line. | Done | Leadership | Finance |
No jobs below Living Wage | Done | Leadership | Finance |
Publish pay scales for all staff and visiting artists. | Done | Leadership | Finance |
Introduce transparent pay scales. | Done | Leadership | Finance |
Create pathways to leadership for diverse candidates. | On-going | Leadership | Finance |
Set inclusion targets for all staff involved in hiring. | Done | Leadership | Policy |
Produce policies in accessible formats. | Working on it | Leadership | Policy |
Allocate budget provision for regular EDI work. | Done | Leadership | Policy |
Provide BSL interpreters in all meetings when required. | Done | Leadership | Policy |
Create your own anti-racism policy for board, staff and all who engage with you. | Done | Leadership | Policy |
Make a public commitment to anti racism. | Done | Leadership | Policy |
Ensure your anti-racism policies are created/reviewed by those with lived experience of racism. | Done | Leadership | Policy |
Ensure all your company anti-racism policies are available online. | Done | Leadership | Policy |
Dedicate regular active anti-racism engagement for all staff teams | On-going | Leadership | Policy |
Anti racism policy leads to have regular and extensive anti-racism training. | Done | Leadership | Training |
Ensure all staff who interact with members of the public have Anti-racism training that includes Unconscious Bias training, and Bystander Training. | Done | Leadership | Training |
Create partnerships with ethnically diverse organisations across your business and production needs, to embed cross pollination of practice and ideas. | On-going | Leadership | Training |
Build regular opportunities for ‘anti-bias audits’. Create public consultations for workforce and contractors to review and revise your policy with specific reference to anti-racism. | Working on it | Leadership | Training |
Create and implement Positive Action plans that actively develop opportunities for African Caribbean and Asian practitioners in your creative practice. | Done | Leadership | Training |
Provide paid-for training opportunities for all freelancers you work with for more than 3 months in a year. | Done | Leadership | Training |
Anti-racism training must be delivered by a team that includes trainers from the communities that experience racism. | Planned & in budget from 2024-25 | Leadership | Training |
Commit publicly to a minimum 20% of your main stage works to be produced, staged and created by diverse creatives. | Working on it | Leadership | Work & Care |
Provide a robust induction/welcome pack to visiting staff, freelancers and new members to all in your organisation to inform them fully. | Planned for 2024 | Welcome | |
Ensure new staff are clear about how to cascade complaints. | Done | Welcome | |
For all staff and freelancers, provide in-person introductions to all areas of business that is led by Senior Management team members. | Done | Welcome | |
Induction to take place prior to commencing work duties. | Done | Welcome | |
No unpaid internships for any role lasting more than 1 week. | Done | Welcome | |
Regularly rotate days and times of all staff meetings - as a routine - to ensure all staff can make at least some of them. | Done | Welcome | |
Provide free tickets to regular contracted staff (including cleaners and security) & their families. | Done | Welcome | |
ZERO tolerance to reported racism: end onus on 'proof' and investigate all complaints without censure or judgement. | Done | Work & Care | Care |
Signpost to free resource support as part of your induction/engagement process. | Working on it | Work & Care | Care |
Hold regular EDI/anti-racist check-in on all culturally sensitive productions for all staff to attend; monitor who attends. | Done | Work & Care | Care |
Allocate funds to provide a minimum 8 hours per year of free counselling/support for all who work with you who experience racism. | Planned from 2025 | Work & Care | Care |
Have debrief/exit meetings with artists in a safe environment where they can be candid. | Done | Work & Care | Care |
Provide specialist care and expertise in styling and consultation on Black hair and makeup when working with Black actors. | Done | Work & Care | Productions |
Seek annual feedback from diverse communities, publish findings and make attendance inclusive (access, childcare, timing, hospitality). | Working on it | Work & Care | Productions |
Guarantee equitable budget allocation for the production of ethnically diverse shows and projects: equivalent to non-diverse shows equivalent in size/scale. | Done | Work & Care | Productions |
Disrupt the 'show must go on' culture: ensure care processes are built in practice and resourced for every production. | Done | Work & Care | Productions |
Work that originated outside the UK, or is about migrant communities to also include migrant artists and practitioners that are living in Britain. | Done | Work & Care | Productions |
Make a commitment to allow diverse artists to not make work just about trauma or oppression. | Done | Work & Care | Productions |
Reject the tokenistic approach of recruiting migrant theatre artists: don't use them only in productions related to foreign identity or migration, and commit to integrating migrants into a thematically broader range of work. | Done | Work & Care | Productions |
Theatres and production companies to actively support artists in the event of racist and discriminatory reviews/press. | Done | Work & Care | Productions |
Zero-tolerance approach in dealing with any reported incidents involving digs, and digs list to be maintained and updated by venue to include this. | Done | Work & Care | Touring |